Beam provides a convenient method for using ChatGPT on Mac.
Beam: A Productive ChatGPT Interface for Mac
Have you ever found yourself distracted by constantly switching between apps and tabs to use ChatGPT? This can be a major productivity killer. Beam is a solution that allows you to access ChatGPTβs features without leaving your current context.
Key Features
- Native macOS app with a launcher-like experience
- Supports both light and dark themes based on your system configuration
- Fast and lag-free performance
- Sandboxed for security, with no access to your system files
- Interacts with OpenAI servers, with no data storage or access on our part
- Locally saves all data on your machine
- OpenAI does not use conversations for model training
- Keyboard shortcuts available for every feature
ChatGPT Models and Configuration
Beam supports all OpenAI GPT models. You can switch between models with a single click (β1).
Create AI profiles and configure: - System prompts
- Max tokens
- Temperature
- Tistory size (for cost control)
- Switch between profiles with a single click (β2) or type β@β into the chat.
Markdown Support and Templates
Beam can render all markdown tags and tables. Create templates with variables and save them for future use. Use [clipboard] in templates to auto-fill the template with clipboard contents.
Interacting with Other Apps and Documents - Insert ChatGPT responses into any input on your system
- Select text anywhere and chat about it
- Open PDF files and chat about them
Macros and Extensions
Macros are quick prompts that you can run with your text selection. Extensions are pre-defined values that guide the model in specific directions. Beam ships with sample extensions for tone, language, and format. - Toggle extensions using # in chat or βE keyboard shortcut
- Add extensions to templates using [#extension-name] format
Automatic History and Settings - Saved locally on your machine
- Quick access with a single hotkey press
- Full-text search
- Keep the app in the dock or make it a menu bar application only
- Opt-out of auto history
- Adjust context prompt
- Change font size
- Adjust global shortcuts
Chat Windows and Command Palette - Use a floating chat window to interface with GPT models without distractions
- Create and manage permanent chat windows
- All actions are available in the command palette (βK)
- Every action has a keyboard shortcut
Global and Local Keyboard Shortcuts - Toggle floating chat panel
- Toggle floating chat panel with context
- Toggle floating panel with macro for context selection
- Insert last message ββ
- Copy last message ^C
- Insert last code box ββ§β
- Pin window βP
- Change GPT model β1
- Change AI Profile β2 or type @ into the chat
- Use template β3 or type / into the chat
- Use extension βE or type # into the chat
- Open PDF file βO
- Copy last code block ^β§C
- Open conversation from history βH
- Clear conversation βR
- Save conversation βS
- Open main app window βB
- Regenerate last message βW